This Brush is Like a Real-Life Blurring Tool

Since reviewing Wayne Goss’ lip products, I’ve been thinking about the fact that I haven’t yet shared my love of his brushes here on the blog. The brushes I have from his brand are some of my favorites for so many reasons. They are absolutely stunning, feel luxurious, and make effortless work of blending product out. They are also on the pricier side. But, if you’re going to invest in something high-end to add to your makeup collection, there’s nothing smarter to choose than brushes. Unlike product, good brushes can last a lifetime if properly cared for.

Now, I’m a firm believer that you can get good brushes at any price point. I’m a huge fan of Real Techniques, for example. But, there’s something about a luxury brush that’s just so satisfying. If you are in the market for such a brand, my very first recommendation would be Wayne Goss.

My next piece of advice would be to choose The Air-Brush from his collection. This is, perhaps, Wayne Goss’ most popular brush. It is sleek, versatile, and soft as can be. I truly can’t imagine a brush being any softer. So, while $35 may seem like a lot for a single brush, I actually find the price to be a steal for the quality. I have a Bobby Brown blush brush that is $60 and not nearly as soft or effective in applying product, to put it in context.

After applying all of my powders to the face (setting powder, blush, contour, bronzer, highlighter…you name it), I dip this brush into the smallest amount of translucent setting powder (highly recommend the Soft Focus Setting Powder by Ilia) and then buff it over my face in gentle sweeping and circular motions to create an airbrushed look. It also helps to tone down any products that were applied too heavily.

Why does this work? The Air-Brush has blue squirrel bristles, which is one of the softest mediums for applying makeup. Adding to that is the fact that this brush is made using the traditional Japanese method, where the bristles are hand-pulled into shape rather than cut. This means that the natural tapered ends of the bristles are still intact, rendering the brush incredibly soft.

Front View of The Air-Brush:

Side View of The Air-Brush:

Because this brush is so soft and flexible, the setting powder does not look cakey or heavy when applied over a full face of makeup using the technique I described. Rather, it blurs the edges of my blush, highlighter, bronzer, and contour powders together in an almost imperceptible way. Nothing is over-blended or muddied. Instead, everything blends seamlessly, taking the finished look to the next level. It’s like adding just a pinch more salt to an almost perfect dish, and suddenly the flavor sings.

Truly, it’s about as close to a real-life PhotoShop blurring tool as I imagine you can get. Wayne Goss describes how he uses The Air-Brush on his Youtube channel, here. In it, he shares multiple ways to use the brush, including as a buffing tool for creating a blurred finish to the skin.

Below is a look I finished off using the blurring method with The Air-Brush. Although I purposely applied my blush with a heavy hand (it was part of the vibe I was going for), I was able to gently tone it down just enough using this method. The Air-Brush also gave my skin a satiny-smooth finish that just looks so flattering.

I couldn’t recommend this lovely brush more. It’s a tool that I think would add value to any makeup brush collection. Even if this is the only luxury brush you invest in, it’s one that will make a big impact by providing that final perfecting touch.

xo Kelli

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