Scott Barnes’ Face Brushes Have Changed My Makeup Game

Scott Barnes’ Face Brushes Have Changed My Makeup Game

I can't remember who said this, but I once heard that good makeup brushes can make mediocre products apply beautifully, while bad brushes can make even the best products look not so great. I've found this to be true in many cases--of course, not all. There are some products that just don't do it, no [...]

The Essential Eye Kohl Pencil by Wayne Goss | A Review

The Essential Eye Kohl Pencil by Wayne Goss | A Review

Eye pencils have always been a tad problematic for me. The thing is, I have hooded, slightly deep-set eyes, a combination which often causes softer eyeliners to smudge on my lids or migrate downward, creating the dreaded racoon eye. I've all but given up on gel liners--both in pencil and potted form--as they almost always [...]

Testing the Allure Editor’s Favorite | September 2020

Testing the Allure Editor’s Favorite | September 2020

Well, it's been three months since I've posted one of these, but here we are! Also, I realize it's no longer September, but close enough still. right? Today's product was gifted to me by my mom, and comes from the Mother of Makeup herself: Pat McGrath. The only other products I've ever tried from Pat [...]

Upping My Hair Care Wardrobe with R+Co

Upping My Hair Care Wardrobe with R+Co

For the longest time, I've operated under the assumption that shampoo and conditioner don't make that much of a difference. At least, not enough to warrant spending much money on them. Surely some brands do a better job than others of cleansing and conditioning the hair, but I never felt the need to go beyond [...]